Integrity | Practicality | Expertise 888-371-6011

Case Results

Army Sergeant First Class (E-7) at Fort Drum is retained and will retire

October 2023

Matthew G. Jubelt successfully represented a Sergeant First Class who was months away from retirement.  The client was falsely accused of abuse, and as a result, faced separation from the United States Army with an Other than Honorable (OTH) characterization of service for the alleged commission of a serious offense pursuant to AR 635-200, chapt. 14-12c.  

With the client facing the loss of retirement, no negotiations could produce the result that the client and his family required.  Only the client's absolute vindication could secure his career, his pension, and his family's financial security.  

Knowing this, our firm set out to demonstrate our client's interest.  We accomplished this by bringing together a team of witnesses whose collective story put forth the alleged victim's motivation for making the false accusations and coupled it with the observations of key witnesses who refuted the alleged victim's account.

In doing so, the strategy was successful.  The client conveyed his innocence to the board who recommended that the client be retained in the U.S. Army.  The client intends to retire, vindicated with the knowledge that his innocence has been demonstrated not only to save his retirement but also his good name in our community.    

If you or a loved one are facing serious charges, contact our firm today for a free consultation so that we may get to work for you, your family member, or your loved one. 

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Integrity | Practicality | Expertise
