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Discharge Upgrades & the Correction of Military Records

Fog of War Infantry Charge
Upgrading a discharge or correcting a military record can be a disorienting process without legal counsel.

The Army Review Board Agency (ARBA) the highest administrative level for review of personnel actions taken by lower levels of the Army and administers a number of boards including those listed below.  ARBA provides veterans, and in some instances servicemembers, with the opportunity for either in-person or written advocacy in order to correct military records, upgrade a discharge or review a grade a grade determination.  

Army Board for the Correction of Military Records: The Army Board for the Correction of Military Records is one of 13 boards at ARBA and serves to correct errors and remove injustice from Army military records after all lower-level administrative remedies have been exhausted. It also reviews discharges of former Soldiers granted over 15 years ago and those given as a sentence of a General Court-Martial. Soldiers, veterans, or their legal representatives may apply online or by mail on a DD Form 149.

The Army Discharge Review Board:  The Army Discharge Review Board reviews discharges of former Soldiers discharged within the last 15 years, except discharges given as a sentence of a general court-martial, in order to determine if the discharge was proper and equitable. Soldiers, veterans or their legal representatives may apply online or by mail of a DD Form 293, Application for Review of a Discharge or Dismissal from the Armed Forces of the United States. 

The Army Grade Determination Review Board: The Army Grade Determination Review Board makes decisions on advancing retired enlisted and warrant officers to the highest grade they held satisfactorily after a total of 30 years time on Active Duty and on the retired list. Applications must be made by letter mailed to the Board. 


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