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Military Law Blog

Flying Evaluation Boards ("Flight Boards")

Posted by Matthew Jubelt | May 27, 2021

Flying Evaluation Boards or “Flight Boards” as they are commonly called, reflect the Army's effort to maintain the rigorous professional standards that are established for military aviators. In the U.S. Army a flight board is convened in accordance with Army Regulation 600-105, Aviation Service of Rated Army Officers, AR 600-105. If an aviator's performance is questioned, a Flying Evaluation Board (FEB) be convened. A Flying Evaluation Board, like other boards of inquiry, are administrative, fact-finding guided by Army Regulation 15-6 (AR 15-6) proceedings convened to ensure that information relevant an aviator's rated qualifications are evaluated in both a fair and an impartial manner. A Flight Board may be convened and result from allegations of misconduct, accidents or alleged violations of aviation rules and regulations. Flight Boards can have a significant impact upon a pilot's aeronautical ratings which not only impact a military pilot's career but may also impact a pilot's desire for a subsequent civilian aviation career.  As with all matters, early and frequent communication with an experienced military counsel will improve a pilots' likelihood at a favorable result before a Flight Board.  

About the Author

Matthew Jubelt

Matthew G. Jubelt, Attorney & Counselor at Law | 114 Albany Street | Post Office Box 441 | Cazenovia, New York 13035 | [email protected] | tel. (315) 665-1902 | fax (315) 293-2644  Education Syracuse University College of Law, J.D., 2009 Syracuse University Maxwell School of Citizens...

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